Friday, November 21, 2014

Doing business in India to get easy,registration in just a day

Doing business in India to get easy, registration in just a day

During the launch of 'Make in India' campaign, PM Narendra Modi had announced that his government would take steps to bring the country’s ranking on the "Ease of doing business” index among the top 50. (File photo)

NEW DELHI: In order to make India a better place to do business, the government is working to cut down the time forregistering a business from 27 days to a single day. Towards this end, it has readied a raft of measures, such as, single registration for all labour laws, overhaul of tax systems, reduction in the number of permits required, easing up property registration, quick electricity connection and property registration - measures that are expected to make the country a friendlier investment destination.

Currently, India has the reputation of being a notoriously difficult place to do business. According to The World Bank's "Ease of doing business" index, India ranked 134 out of 189 countries in 2014, behind China (ranked 96) and behind neighbours Pakistani (110) and Bangladesh (130). During the launch of the 'Make in India' campaign, Narendra Modi had announced that his government would take steps to bring the country's ranking among the top 50.

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