Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Social networks spoil children, many parents believe.

Social networks, children
Phan Thu Linh, 14, an eighth grader in Thu Duc District in HCM City, is one instance of a pernicious effects.
She once was an glorious and deferential student.
However, things altered after he got a laptop from relatives as a birthday present. Her scholarly achievements got worse, while she mostly used bad denunciation during conversations with adults and prefered regulating jargon words.
Tuyet, 38, Linh’s mother, was repelled when she satisfied that Facebook was a “culprit” that caused a changes to her daughter.
“She spent all of her time with her computers. She stayed in her room all day and accessed amicable networks,” Tuyet said. “When we asked what she was doing, she lied and pronounced that she was doing propagandize work. But we found out that she spent many of her time chatting with strangers”.
“I motionless to stop regulating internet services. It was too dangerous for my daughter,” she said, adding that her daughter picked adult bad habits from a practical universe on amicable networks.
Nguyen Thi Luong, 35, has been in trouble for a final several months after conference from a son’s clergyman that a boy, Tuan, had mostly “exchanged blows” with classmates recently.
A schoolgirl complained on Facebook that she was frequently teased by a boys of a subsequent class. Tuan and some classmates left comments observant that a teasers were a bad boys and should be diminished from school.
Meanwhile, a students of other classes commented that a schoolgirl deserved a provoke since she was “sour and scornful”.
As a written conflict on internet was unsettled, they motionless to accommodate any other to find who would be a winners by fighting.
In another case, Manh Hung, an bureau worker, complained that his daughter, a third grader, does not have a “happy childhood” since of Facebook.
The lady does not spend her giveaway time to play, assistance relatives with housework or go out with parents. She would rather stay during home and discuss with friends on Facebook.
“She gazes during a mechanism shade all day,” Hung complained. “She has turn shortsighted, yet she is only a third grader”.
“I can’t know what is so engaging that she finds on amicable networks. we am fearful that she will turn incommunicative, since she uses her hands some-more frequently than her mouth,” he said, adding that he considers prohibiting her from accessing amicable networks.
However, Phan Van Tu, MA, a techer during a HCM City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, pronounced commanding a anathema is not a good resolution to settle a problems.
Tu pronounced there are always dual sides of a coin. If someone can use amicable networks in a reasonable way, he would get advantages from a networks.
Bui Hong Quan from a HCM City labor dialect remarkable that it is not possibly to demarcate children to entrance a internet and amicable networks since these are a partial of a complicated life.
“What relatives can do is give recommendation to their children on how to use amicable networks in a many reasonable way,” Quan said.

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