Sunday, August 3, 2014

Google survey finds that half of Indonesia's ecommerce non-adopters will shop online soon.

Indonesia’s ecommerce industry is one to look out for, so it’s natural for everybody to be a bit curious about the behavior of Indonesia’s online shoppers. Google Indonesia, together with research firm TNS, released a study yesterday to help answer some questions in that area. The study, which surveyed 1,300 Indonesians1, suggests strong future growth for Indonesia’s ecommerce industry. Half of the people who currently don’t shop online are interested in making online purchases and will probably do so in the next 12 months. Two out of five of those non-adopters would consider buying fashion items online. Rudy Ramawy, the country head of Google Indonesia, says that most online shoppers prefer to save time rather than save money, which is good for ecommerce prospects. But the old issue remains that the industry needs people to have trust and be comfortable with ecommerce. (See: Report: Indonesia now has 74.6 million internet users; this is what they do online) Ads play a crucial role in educating online shoppers where to shop. About 79 percent of online shoppers would do research after seeing an online ad, while 85 percent use the information from that ad when conducting product research. When it comes to the tools for shopping around online, 41 percent of respondents use search engines, 37 percent use social networking sites, 20 percent look up retailers’ websites, and 14 percent look up information from news sites and magazines.

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