Friday, August 1, 2014

India set to become top automotive R&D hub

We remain generally optimistic towards Malaysia's commitment to provide better quality and access to healthcare , as the government plans to expand and upgrade its hospital network. However, we have downgraded Malaysia's pharmaceutical sales forecast due to a slowdown in pharmaceutical trade in 2013. The country's slower economic growth in 2014, coupled with the fact that investment in the pharmaceuticals sector will take longer than expected to bring returns, are downside risks to our outlook.

Headline Expenditure Projections 
  • Pharmaceuticals: MYR6.60bn (USD2.10bn) in 2013 to MYR7.17bn (USD2.24bn) in 2014; +8.6% in local currency and +6.9% in US dollar terms. Forecast lowered due to the release of reduced 2013 trade figures .
  • Healthcare: MYR40.27bn (USD12.78bn) in 2013 to MYR43.79bn (USD13.68bn) in 2014; +8.8% in local currency and +7.1% in US dollar terms. Forecast raised from Q4 20 13 due to the release of 2014 budget.
Risk/Reward Rating: In Q3 2014, Malaysia's Pharmaceutical Risk/Reward Rating (RRR) stood at 60, marking no change since Q1 2014. It posts above-average scores for every indicator in the Asia Pacific region, and ranks eighth out of the 19 key markets.

Key Trends And Developments 

The Malaysian health ministry is in the process of formulating regulations on traditional and complementary drugs to finalise the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Act 2013. According to Health Minister Datuk Seri S Subramaniam, the ministry will continue to take the views of interested parties into account in order to improve the Act, which was first announced at Dewan Rakyat in February 2012 following a public campaign. Subramaniam said: 'Besides ensuring the quality, safety and efficacy of such medical services, continuous improvement of the law will also raise the professionalism of such medical practitioners,' reports the Borneo Post.

DKSH Holdings Malaysia is opening a new 130,000 square feet healthcare distribution centre on the...

The Malaysia Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report features Business Monitor International (BMI)'s forecasts for drugs and healthcare expenditure and imports and exports, focusing on the growth outlook for the prescription, OTC, patented drugs and generics market segments.

BMI's Malaysia Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report provides industry professionals, strategists, company executives, investors, analysts and sales/marketing heads with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the Malaysian pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.

Key Benefits

  • Benchmark BMI's independent pharmaceutical and healthcare industry forecasts for Malaysia to test other views - a key input for successful budgeting and strategic business planning in the Malaysian pharmaceutical and healthcare market.
  • Target business opportunities and risks in the Malaysian pharmaceutical and healthcare sector through our reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes and major deals, projects and investments in Malaysia.
  • Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Company Profiles (inc. SWOTs, KPIs and latest activity) and Competitive Landscape Tables.

BMI Industry View & Industry SWOT

An at-a-glance perspective on latest regulatory developments, key forecast indicators and major corporate developments, covering the prescription, OTC and generics markets. The SWOT outlines strategic factors which affect BMI's forecast analysis, and taken together with BMI's political, economic and business environment SWOTS, it gives a complete overview of market climate.

Market Summary

Snapshot of key market characteristics, including total size of pharmaceuticals and healthcare segments, growth drivers, leading therapeutic areas and the competitive landscape.

Regulatory Regime

Details of the industry regulatory framework and key legislation covering the licensing of new products/services, pricing and reimbursements, intellectual property, taxation and advertising, as well as an analysis of the overall regulatory burden.

Industry Developments

Focus on government healthcare reforms, epidemiological trends, company M&As, product launches, market entries, FDI activity, R&D, biotechnology, clinical trials and supply chain issues.

BMI Industry Forecasts

Forecasts to end-2018 for all key industry indicators (see list below) supported by explicit assumptions, plus analysis of key downside risks to the main forecast, including:

Healthcare: Total healthcare expenditure (US$bn), healthcare expenditure (% of GDP), healthcare expenditure per capita (US$), hospital beds (per `000 population), doctors (per `000 population), birth and mortality rate (per `000 population)

Pharmaceutical market: Drug expenditure (US$bn), drug expenditure (% of GDP), drug expenditure per capita (US$)

Patented drug market: Prescription drug sales (US$bn), prescription sales (% of total sales), sales broken down by 14 therapeutic areas (cardiovascular, anti-infectives etc.)

Generic drug market: Generic product sales (US$bn), generic sales (% of total sales)

OTC drug market: OTC sales (US$bn), OTC sales (% of total sales), sales broken down by product types (analgesics, skin treatments, vitamins and minerals etc.)

Medical Devices: Medical device sales (US$bn), medical device sales (% of total healthcare market)

Macroeconomic Forecasts: Nominal and real GDP, % real GDP growth, % private consumption growth, % industrial output growth, % consumer price index, % GDP price deflator, exports, imports, trade balance, current account balance, foreign direct investment, exchange rate against US$, government expenditure, external debt.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape section provides comparative company analyses and rankings by US$ sales and % share of total sales - for the total pharmaceutical sector, as well as the OTC, generics, and distribution sub-sectors.

Company Profiles

Examines the competitive positioning and short- to medium-term business strategies of key industry players. Strategy is examined within the context of BMI's industry forecasts, our macroeconomic views and our understanding of the wider competitive landscape to generate Company SWOT analyses. The latest financial and operating statistics and key company developments are also incorporated within the company profiles, enabling a full evaluation of recent company performance and future growth prospects.

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