Saturday, August 2, 2014

Indonesia's first agriculture summit with a focus on commercial partnerships and investment opportunities.

Why Indonesia?

The Indonesian government is determined to achieve its self-sufficiency goal in future food supply and has initiated favorable investment policies to attract both local and international investors.

Investment in Indonesia's agricultural sector
reaches $12.4 billon - June 2013

The Indonesia Agriculture Investment Summit is the first of its kind addressing top issues in local consumption patterns, prices, direction of new investment incentives, and upcoming projects.  The main focus of the event will be to showcase commercial partnership and investment opportunities.
Speaking opportunities are now open 
If you are interested in being considered as a speaker and presenting a paper at this conference, please contact:

Key Issues to be Discussed:

  • Balancing agriculture trade, investment and self-sufficiency in Indonesia
  • Investment Projects and Partnership opportunities in major agricultural commodities
  • Government incentives for investors and outlook for new regions / commodities earmarked for investment
  • Agriculture Land ownership and acquisition in Indonesia
  • Commodity/ food  price outlook and implications for future investments
  • Changing consumption patterns and how they are defining priority issues for Indonesia Agriculture
  • International Investor Insight: Agriculture Partnerships for improving productivity and sustainability in Indonesia
  • Partnerships with local Indonesian companies
  • Key success factors for investing in Indonesia Agribusiness
  • Downstream Processing and Milling investment opportunities
For more agricultural Reports from Asia ,

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