Monday, August 4, 2014

Malaysia expected to spend RM70b on IT, says Gartner

Malaysia is expected to spend about RM69.8 billion on information technology (IT) in the current year, a surge of 10.2% over last year, IT research and advisory firm Gartner Inc has said.

“Investment is coming from exploiting analytics to make Business to Consumer (B2C) processes more efficient and improve customer marketing efforts. Investment will also be aligned in Business to Business (B2B) analytics, particularly in the supply chain management space, where annual spending is expected to grow 10.6% in 2014,” said managing VP at Gartner, Richard Gordon yesterday in a statement.

The focus is on enhancing the customer experience throughout the pre-sales, sales and post sales processes, he added.

The growth in IT spending for the country will pip the growth in the Asia-Pacific region which is expected to grow at only 4.2% to US$758 billion (RM2.54 trillion) in 2014. The region’s growth is slightly lower than 2013 growth of 4.7% while, worldwide IT spending is projected to total US$3.8 trillion in 2014, a 3.1% increase from 2013 spending of US$3.7 trillion, according to the latest forecast by Gartner Inc.

“A downward revision of the 2014 forecast growth in spending for telecom services — a segment that accounts for more than 40% of total IT spending — from 1.9% to 1.2%, is the main reason behind this overall IT spending growth reduction,” said Gordon.

Among factors involved in the lower growth are faster than expected growth of wireless- only households, declining voice rates in China and a more frugal usage pattern among European customers.

Enterprise software spending growth continues to be the strongest throughout the forecast period, it added.

Meanwhile, the global data centre systems spending growth outlook for 2014 has been cut from 2.9% in to 2.6% due to a reduction in the forecast for external controllerbased storage and enterprise communications applications.

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