Sunday, August 3, 2014

Vietnamese spends more time on mobile devices than TV

HCMC – Vietnamese consumers are more receptive to TV advertising than other digital formats but TV will no longer be the medium offering the largest publicity opportunity due to limited screen time, says a study on consumers’ perceptions of advertising.
The 2014 AdReaction Report of the research firm Millward Brown analyzed multiscreen use and behaviors of multiscreen users (those who own or have access to TV, smartphone or tablet) in 30 countries.
According to the report, though Vietnam’s receptiveness is equivalent to the global average, multiscreen users’ large amount of time spent on using mobile devices indicates potentials for advertising growth on this format in the coming time.
Time of using devices with a screen in Vietnam is eight hours per day, which is higher than the global average of seven hours, with a majority of multiscreen users spending time on their preferred devices – smartphone and laptop, and also 6% higher Asia-Pacific’s average.
Smartphone takes the lead in screen time with 168 minutes per day. Compared to other markets surveyed, Vietnamese spend an average of 160 minutes on laptop, the highest compared to other countries in the survey.
Meanwhile, TV screen time is equivalent to only one-third of the region’s average, highlighting the preeminence of mobile devices in Vietnam.
In most markets globally, TV is in general the first device to use, followed by other digital devices. The sequences of using devices are most likely to start with TV and then smartphone though other sequences are possible.
In Vietnam, laptop dominates screen usage during working hours while the rest of the day is dominated by smartphone. Meanwhile, screen time of TV is particularly high in the early evening primetime hours.
The 2014 AdReaction Report surveyed over 12,000 multiscreen users aged between 16 and 44 in 30 countries, with over 3,000 respondents from Asia-Pacific. There were 699 Vietnamese multiscreen users surveyed.
The report aimed to help marketers understand the world of multiscreen users, make use of effectiveness of each digital device to drive their brand growth. 
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